M. Raymond, M.-H. Descary, C. Beaulac and F. Larribe.
Constructing Ancestral Recombination Graphs through Reinforcement Learning.
ArXiv. June, 2024.
F. Larribe.
MetaFun for generative art.
Maps 52, 2022.
S. Froda and F. Larribe.
How effective are COVID-19 vaccines? Here’s what the stats mean … and what they don’t.
The Conversation. August 9, 2021.
S. Froda and F. Larribe.
Efficacité des vaccins contre la Covid-19 : ce que signifient les statistiques… ou pas.
La conversation. 16 août 2021.
S. Froda and F. Larribe.
Vaccine efficacy: demystifying an epidemiological concept.
July 22, 2021.
C. Beaulac and F. Larribe.
Narrow artificial intelligence with machine learning for real time estimation of a mobile agent's location using Hidden Markov Models.
International Journal of Computer Games Technology. Volume 2017 (February 2017), Article ID 4939261.
S. Ait Kaci Azzou, F. Larribe and S. Froda.
Inferring the demographic history from DNA sequences: an importance sampling approach based on non-homogenous processes.
Theoretical Population Biology, Volume 111, October 2016, Pages 16-27.
S. Ait Kaci Azzou, F. Larribe and S. Froda.
A new method for estimating the demographic history from DNA sequences: an importance sampling approach.
Frontiers in Evolutionary and Population Genetics, 2015: 6(259).
F. Larribe, M.J. Dupont and G. Boucher.
Simultaneous inference of haplotypes and alleles at a causal gene.
Statistical genetics and methodology, Volume 6, Article 291, October 2015.
M. Fillion, M. Lemire, A. Philibert, B. Frenette, H.A. Weiler, J. R. DeGuire, J. R. D. Guimarães, F. Larribe, F. Barbosa Jr and D. Mergler.
Toxic risks and nutritional benefits of traditional diet on near visual contrast sensitivity and color vision in the Brazilian Amazon.
Neurotoxicology, 2013: 37, 173-181.
F. Larribe and P. Fearnhead.
On composite likelihoods in statistical genetics.
Statistica Sinica, 2011: Vol 21, 43-69a
M. Fillion, M. Lemire, A. Philibert, B. Frenette, H.A. Weiler, J. R. DeGuire, J. R. D. Guimarães, F. Larribe, F. Barbosa Jr and D. Mergler.
Visual acuity in fish-consumers of the Brazilian Amazon : Risks and benefits from local diet.
Public Health Nutrition, 2011: 14(12), 2236-2244.
F. Larribe and S. Lessard.
A Composite-Conditional-Likelihood Approach for Gene Mapping Based on Linkage Disequilibrium in Windows of Markers Loci.
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2008: Vol. 7 : Iss. 1, Article 27.
M. Baldwin, M. Bouchard, F. Larribe and D Mergler.
Past Occupational Exposure to Airborne Manganese in a Manganese Alloy Plant.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 2008, 5(7): 426-437.
M. Fillion, D. Mergler, C.J.S. Passos, F. Larribe F, M. Lemire, and J.R.D. Guimarães.
A preliminary study of mercury exposure and blood pressure in the Brazilian Amazon
Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source. 2006, 5:29.
C.J. Passos, D. Mergler and F. Larribe.
Response to "Fruits, fish, and mercury: further considerations".
Letter to the editor, Environmental Research. 2004. 96: 104-105.
C.J. Passos, D. Mergler, E. Gaspar, S. Morais, M. Lucotte, F. Larribe, et S. de Grosbois.
Caracterização geral do consumo alimentar de uma população ribeirinha na Amazônia Brasileira.
Revista Saúde e Ambiente. 2003. 4:72-84.
C.J. Passos, D. Mergler, E. Gaspar, S. Morais, M. Lucotte, F. Larribe, R. Davidson, et S. de Grosbois.
Eating tropical fruit reduces mercury exposure from fish consumption in the Brazilian Amazon.
Environmental Research, 2003. 93: 123-130.
F. Larribe, S. Lessard, and N.J. Schork.
Gene mapping via the ancestral recombination graph.
Theoretical Population Biology
2002. (62): 215-229.
J. Dolbec, D. Mergler, F. Larribe, M. Roulet, J. Lebel and M. Lucotte.
Sequential analysis of hair mercury
levels in relation to fish diet of an Amazonian population, Brazil.
Science of the Total Environment, 2001.
271(1-3): 87-97.
R.M. Bowler, D. Mergler, M.P. Sassine, F. Larribe and K. Hudnell.
Neuropsychiatric effects of manganese on mood.
Neurotoxicology, 1999. 20(2-3): 367-378.
M. Baldwin, D. Mergler, F. Larribe, S. Bélanger, R. Tardif, L. Bilodeau and K. Hudnell.
Bioindicator and exposure data for a population based study of manganese.
NeuroToxicology, 1999. 20(2-3): 343-353.
D. Mergler, M. Baldwin, S. Bélanger, F. Larribe, A. Beuter, R. Bowler, M. Panisset, R. Edward, A. de Geoffroy, M.P. Sassine and K. Hudnell.
Manganese neurotoxicity, a continuum of dysfunction: results from a community based study.
NeuroToxicology, 1999. 20(2-3): 327-342.
D. Mergler, S. Bélanger, F. Larribe, M. Panisset, R. Bowler, M. Baldwin, J. Lebel and K. Hudnell.
Preliminary evidence of neurotoxicity associated with eating fish from the upper St-Lawrence River lakes.
Neurotoxicology, 1998. 19(4-5): 691-702.
J. Lebel, D. Mergler, F. Branches, M. Lucotte, M. Amorin, F. Larribe and J. Dolbec.
Neurotoxic effects of low-level methylmercury contamination in the Amazon Basin.
Environmental Research, 1998. 79(1): 20-32.
J. Lebel, M. Roulet, D. Mergler, M. Lucotte and F. Larribe.
Fish Diet and mercury exposure in a riparian Amazonian population.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 1997. 31-44.
M. P. Sassine, D. Mergler, F. Larribe et S. Bélanger.
Détérioration de la santé mentale chez des travailleurs exposés au styrène [Mental health deterioration among workers exposed to styrene].
Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé publique, 1996. 44(1): 14-24.
D. Mergler, D. Campagna, S. Bélanger, F. Larribe, G. Huel, G. Truchon, C. Ostiguy et D. Drolet.
Surveillance des effets neurotoxiques de l'exposition au styrène en milieu de travail, II. Altérations neurophysiologiques et
Travail et santé, 1992. 8(3): S16-S21.
G. Truchon, C. Ostiguy, D. Drolet, D. Mergler, D. Campagna, S. Bélanger, F. Larrib et G. Huel.
Surveillance des effets neurotoxiques de l'exposition au styrène en milieu de travail I. Evaluation environnementale et surveillance biologique.
Travail et santÈ, 1992. 8(2): S11-S14.